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New Coach Highlight: Karine Germain

Karine Germain turned Coaching into a viable business in almost no time—matching her teacher’s salary in a matter of months! Now, Karine is able to take a break from her teaching career, focus on growing her Coaching business, and spend more time at home with her kids.

“One of my biggest challenges was facing my friends and family’s opinions when I decided to pursue Coaching. However, I now feel like this challenge helped me grow.

“When people ask me what is the key to my instant success, my answer is very simple: I work HARD! I manage my schedule daily just as I would in any other job. I set clear objectives, and I remain focused on attaining them. I never let myself be distracted or discouraged by obstacles and hardships on my way to success.

“In the short term, I am able to visualize my earnings becoming equal to that of my spouse—making me an equal contributor to my family’s needs.

“I am very proud of my journey and proud that I broke barriers and came out of my comfort zone to reach the goals that I set for myself!”


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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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